Board Members

Our Board of Directors is here to help you. Do you have a question about our bylaws or how WAMSS brings in income? Have you wanted to apply for a scholarship to attend the annual conference but don’t know if you are eligible? Give us a call or send an e-mail. If you’re not sure who to contact, that’s OK! Send your question to anyone on the Board and we promise to put you in touch with the right person to answer your questions.

Are you one of the brave few who would like to run for an elected position? Contact our Past President, and chair of the Nominating Committee, and let her know you’re interested. She will be able to tell you which positions are up for election, and can even refer you to a member who held the position previously so you can ask your questions to someone who held the position.

WAMSS Board of Directors & Committee Chairs 2024-2025

Marilyn Grant, CPCS
President/Nominating Committee Chair
Molina Healthcare
Elizabeth Witte, CPCS, CPMSM
President-Elect/Membership Committee Chair
Heidi J. Martinez, CPCS
Past President/Conference Planning Chair
Astria Health 
Edie Cole, CPCS, CPMSM
WAMSS Treasurer

Samaritan Healthcare
Aviana Jupiter, CPCS

Shannon Rochon, CPCS
Bylaws Chair
Molina Healthcare
  Treneissa Larson, CPCS
Communication Chair
Kadlec Regional Medical Center
Heidi Martinez, CPCS
Strategic Planning Chair
Astria Health

Tanya McLaughlin
Education Chair
NeighborCare Health 
Elizabth Cerrillo
Co-Education Chair
Astria Health 

Rachel Woodland, PESC
Scholarship Chair
University of Washington


WAMSS Committee Chairs

Want to be involved in WAMSS, but the idea of an elected position isn’t what you’re looking for? We have many other volunteer opportunities on the Board! The Committees of WAMSS are where a lot of important work happens, and we’re always looking for members who want to be more involved. Many of the committees only meet two or three times per year via e-mail or conference calls and are a great way to become more active. Contact one of the committee chairs below to find out what they do and see what options are available to you. Even if there are no open spots today, we appoint members to the Nominations, Scholarship, and Strategic Planning committees on an annual basis, so we will put your name down as an interested party, please fill out the Volunteer Interest form here

Previous Board Members

Much of the history of our organization can be seen through our past leadership. Several members have volunteered their time and efforts through leadership positions to ensure our organization is the amazing association that it is today.

Can’t remember who used to chair the Scholarship Committee? Want to know who the first President of WAMSS was? Here is the History of WAMSS Leadership.